White Paper

Misinformation and Disinformation in Election Cycles

By examining previous election cycles, we can see patterns of mis/disinformation that are already beginning to repeat. In this white paper, we begin by looking at the mechanisms that spread mis/disinformation and how people become entrenched in conspiracy beliefs. We offer recommendations on how programmatic advertising can help mitigate the spread of mis/disinformation during the 2024 election cycle. If you would like to know more about our approach to countering misinformation, please reach out. We’re here to help however we can.

Virginia Gallner
Director of Research and Insights
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InsightsWhite Papers
Misinformation and Disinformation in Election Cycles
White Paper

Misinformation and Disinformation in Election Cycles

Misinformation and disinformation have been provably present throughout the past few election cycles. Social media enables the rapid spread of emotion-driven mis-and-disinformation, and this year, the same patterns are emerging.

We address what misinformation and disinformation are, how they spread, and what can be done to address this phenomenon.

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Key Takeaways


Definition of Terms

Misinformation and disinformation are two separate phenomena – and both have been at play throughout the last several election cycles. Based on past research, we define these terms based on intentionality and motivations.


How Historically Marginalized Communities are Targeted

Mis/disinformation spreads rapidly in a world driven by social media and online communities. Historically marginalized communities are among the most vulnerable due to lack of translation services for fake news and disproportionate targeting by mis/disinformation campaigns.


How to Counter the Spread

With programmatic advertising, we can counter the spread of mis/disinformation using a combination of digital outreach strategies and theoretical frameworks that are proven to reach even the most susceptible audiences.

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