
Digital Out-Of-Home

DOOH combines the scale of traditional out-of-home (OOH) advertising with the precision and flexibility of digital campaigns.

Digital Out-Of-Home

What is digital out-of-home?

DOOH are large-format advertisements that come in a wide range of formats, from digital billboards and transit ads to interactive kiosks and digital signage networks in malls, airports, and other public spaces.

Real-time updates

Advertisers can adjust their messaging based on time of day, weather conditions, or current events, making their ads more relevant and timely.


Digital screens eliminate the need for paper and vinyl used in traditional billboards. The energy-efficient LED technology used in digital screens further reduces the environmental impact.

Enhanced engagement

DOOH advertising captures attention in a way traditional OOH cannot, thanks to vivid displays and personalized content—and the fact that they are unskippable.
Channel Description

All about digital out-of-home


  • Impressions: How many total times was the ad served, including multiple times to the same person
  • Engagement: Number of actions taken as a result of campaign
  • Acquisition: Number of unique viewers of the campaign
  • Reach: The number of unique viewers reached
  • Brand Lift Surveys: Manually reaching out to users to gather data about brand perception before and after seeing the ads
  • Conversions: How many people took the desired action of the campaign, like made a call, purchased the product, or visited in store
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue of campaign divided by total spend
Targeting options
  • First-and-Third Party Data: Either your own customer database or data options within a DSP
  • Retargeting: People who have already taken an action with your company
  • Behavioral: For example, someone abandoned their cart
  • Contextual: A person with interests similar to your customers’
  • Demographic: A person’s job, age, gender, location, etc.
Standard DOOH formats
  • Large Format: Elevated, billboard-esque, found on highways, roads, industrial, and commercial areas.
  • Spectaculars: Live in high traffic, pedestrian areas like Las Vegas and Times Square, very high impact. Oftentimes showing videos.
  • Venue Based and Public Spaces: At eye level in pedestrian areas like malls, doctors, airports, and other commercial spaces.

of DOOH viewers have engaged in at least one measured action after seeing a digital billboard


The top programmatic channels

Channels are digital and physical spaces where you can run messaging that reaches your community. Magnitude of Change uses ORION so you can magnify your message across the open internet. Learn more about the channels we support:

Digital Out of Home

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Streaming Audio

Programmatic Audio

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Connected TV

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Digital Video

Digital Video

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Programmatic Takeovers

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Adhesive Ads

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In-Email Display

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in-banner video

In-Banner Video

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Native Display

Native Display

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Social Mirroring

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Performance Display

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Programmatic Direct Mail

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Digital Out of Home

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Streaming Audio

Programmatic Audio

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Connected TV

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Native Display

Native Display

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In-Email Display

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Digital Video

Digital Video

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in-banner video

In-Banner Video

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Programmatic Takeovers

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Performance Display

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