
Digital Video

Engaging. High conversion rates. Compelling. Online video (OLV) is a powerhouse in marketing, because it is able to convey emotion in a way that still images just…can’t compare.

Digital Video

What is digital video?

Digital video, or OLV, is the term for advertisements served before, during, or after videos on the internet, most often short-form content. This includes video platforms like Youtube; on websites directly; and on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Digital Video

Highly engaging

Digital video captures attention like few other formats can. It allows you to not just tell people about your brand, but show them what it feels like to use your product or service.

Emotionally compelling

OLV ads are so engaging because video captures people’s emotions, which is a great way to get people to feel positively about, and ultimately choose, your brand.

Easily shareable

Digital video is the type of ad most likely to be shared. You can lean into this and create content that is relatable to your audience, increasing the likelihood that they will share it.
Channel Description

All about digital video


  • Impressions: How many total times was the ad served, including multiple times to the same person
  • Cost Per View (CPV): How much the advertiser paid for each view
  • Cost per thousand (CPM): The total cost of campaign, divided by total number of impressions, times 1000
  • Video Completion Rate: Times the ad was viewed in its entirety
  • Reach: The number of unique viewers reached
  • Revenue: The amount of revenue generated by the campaign
  • Frequency: Amount of times the ad has been viewed per household.
  • Conversions: How many people took the desired action of the campaign, like made a call, purchased the product, or visited in store
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Divide the total revenue generated by number of conversions
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue of campaign divided by total spend
Targeting options
  • First-and-Third Party Data: Either your own customer database or data options within a DSP
  • Retargeting: People who have already taken an action with your company
  • Behavioral: For example, someone abandoned their cart
  • Contextual: A person with interests similar to your customers’
  • Demographic: A person’s job, age, gender, location, etc.
Common OLV ad Types
  • In-Stream Ads: Play before, during, or after videos, on Google, Facebook, Youtube, and others; can be skippable or non-skippable, and include interactive elements
  • Pre-Roll: Play before the selected content starts
  • Mid-Roll: Play during the selected content, like a commercial break
  • Post-Roll: Play at the end of the selected content
  • Outstream Ads: Appear in non-video contexts like articles & blogs.
  • Bumper Ads: 6 second, non-skippable ads
  • Native Ads: Have the same design as the content they are in, giving a natural, blended feel to the ad

The top programmatic channels

Channels are digital and physical spaces where you can run messaging that reaches your community. Magnitude of Change uses ORION so you can magnify your message across the open internet. Learn more about the channels we support:

Digital Out of Home

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Streaming Audio

Programmatic Audio

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Connected TV

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Digital Video

Digital Video

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Programmatic Takeovers

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Adhesive Ads

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In-Email Display

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in-banner video

In-Banner Video

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Native Display

Native Display

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Social Mirroring

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Performance Display

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Programmatic Direct Mail

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Digital Out of Home

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Streaming Audio

Programmatic Audio

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Connected TV

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Native Display

Native Display

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In-Email Display

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Digital Video

Digital Video

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in-banner video

In-Banner Video

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Programmatic Takeovers

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Performance Display

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