
Streaming Audio

Streaming audio is to radio like CTV to linear TV: it provides an improved advertiser experience through increased targeting options, superior analytics, and personal, contextual creative. Plus, you’re serving to a captive, fully-engaged audience.

Streaming Audio

What is streaming audio?

Streaming is a method of delivering audio and video files over the internet. Rather than using radio waves that travel through the air or downloading mp3s from a server, streaming plays songs on demand without storing them on your device. Ads play between songs or podcasts.
Streaming Audio

In-depth targeting

Advertisers have a whole world of data within Spotify, Pandora, and other streaming platforms. You can easily find your perfect audience.


Programmatic ads give you the ability to optimize during the campaign’s duration, increasing the ROI of your campaign. DSPs can allocate unused budget to reach other likely buyers who have similar tastes as your audience.


The data capabilities of audio streaming ads allow you to reach your customer in the right context. For example, if your customer is listening to a health and fitness podcast, they might respond well to an ad for athleisure wear.
Channel Description

All about streaming audio


  • Impressions: How many total times was the ad served, including multiple times to the same person
  • Listen Through Rate: The percentage which the entire ad was listened to
  • Click-Through Rate: How many times the ad was clicked on
  • Reach: The number of unique viewers reached
  • Codes or Promos: If the listener used the unique code given by an advertiser
  • Frequency: The number of times the ad was played per household
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue of campaign divided by total spend
Targeting options
  • First-and-Third Party Data: Either your own customer database or data options within a DSP
  • Retargeting: People who have already taken an action with your company
  • Behavioral: For example, someone abandoned their cart
  • Contextual: A person with interests similar to your customers’
  • Demographic: A person’s job, age, gender, location, etc.
Streaming audio ad placements
  • Programmatic: 15-30 seconds long, play every few songs in freemium subs, or at the beginning, middle, or end of a podcast
  • Native: Podcast ads that are read by the host, not the advertiser or voice actor
  • Video: Plays alongside the audio ad
  • Display or Companion Banners: Still images that provide a clickable CTA to the audience and a visual of your brand

The top programmatic channels

Channels are digital and physical spaces where you can run messaging that reaches your community. Magnitude of Change uses ORION so you can magnify your message across the open internet. Learn more about the channels we support:

Digital Out of Home

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Streaming Audio

Programmatic Audio

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Connected TV

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Digital Video

Digital Video

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Programmatic Takeovers

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Adhesive Ads

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In-Email Display

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in-banner video

In-Banner Video

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Native Display

Native Display

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Social Mirroring

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Performance Display

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Programmatic Direct Mail

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Digital Out of Home

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Streaming Audio

Programmatic Audio

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Connected TV

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Native Display

Native Display

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In-Email Display

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Digital Video

Digital Video

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in-banner video

In-Banner Video

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Programmatic Takeovers

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Performance Display

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